The Hills Gallery at Newburyport Art

October 25–November 12: Falling Apart, Falling Together: A solo exhibition of artist Anne Duncan’s recent abstract work including large-scale paintings in acrylic and oil, mixed media, and ink drawings. Duncan explores painting as an organic, ever changing process that unfolds in surprising and sometimes magical ways. The show title is based on a Marilyn Monroe quote: “…sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” Reception: October 26, 4–6 p.m.

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Fairfield University Art Museum

Bellarmine Hall Galleries, opening September 12: Ink & Time: European Prints from the Wetmore Collection. This exhibition samples the richness of European print culture between the late 15th and late 18th centuries through more than fifty woodcuts, engravings, and etchings. Walsh Gallery (Quick Center), opening September 22: Sacred Space: A Brandywine Workshop and Archive Exhibition. This exhibition of contemporary prints encourages exploration of spiritual connection, and reflection on ancestral wisdom and memory passed down through generations.

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September 1–October 27: FOREST BATHING, curated by Alex Santana. Adrian Martinez Chavez, Alondra M. Garza, Austin Bryant, Carolina Cuevas, Donté Hayes, Jacoub Reyes, Jennifer DeLuna, Jo Lobdell, Julia Oldham, Kim Cohen, Kristen Heritage, Lauren Cardenas, Linda Sok, Loretta Violante, Marie-Jose Njoku-Obi, Melissa Dadourian, Raphaela Riepl, Robert Mirek, Samnang Riebe, Sebastián Cole Galvan, Sebastián Meltz-Collazo, Sunnie Liu, Vick Quezada, Aura Wang, Ying Ye. Solo exhibitions of Nadine Nelson and Mesoma Charles. Reception: September 8, 1–3 p.m.

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The Bruce Museum

The Bruce Museum is a world-class institution offering a changing array of exceptional exhibitions and educational programs that cultivate discovery and wonder through the power of art and science. Opening September 9: Conservation Through the Arts: Celebrating the Federal Duck Stamp. Opening October 3: Joel Sternfeld: American Prospects. Opening October 3: Every Leaf and Twig: Andrew Wyeth’s Botanical Imagination. Through October 13: Andy Warhol: small is beautiful. Ongoing: Tara Donovan: Aggregations. Hockney/Origins: Works from the Roy B. and Edith J. Simpson Collection. Gabriel Dawe: Plexus no. 43. The Robert R. Wiener Mineral Gallery. King Nyani. Permanent Science galleries: Natural Cycles Shape our Land. Admission: Adults $20, Students/Sr. Citizens $15. Free for children under 5; free on Tuesdays.

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Florence Griswold Museum

September 28–November 3: Mystical Murmurs: An Enchanted Environment by Adrien Broom. In this immersive exhibition contemporary artist, photographer, set designer, and filmmaker Broom (b. 1980) invites audiences to experience the mysterious world of the forest and imagine themselves at faerie-scale. Encounter a magical installation inspired by the natural environment and folklore. Drawing on medieval European folk beliefs and superstitions, visitors are enticed to step inside an oversized mushroom ring, triggering entrancing songs, and seducing guests to dance beyond time.

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Art Museum, University of Saint Joseph

Opening September 19: On Paper: Media and Techniques, an examination of the materials and processes used to create works of art on paper, including drawings, watercolors, and various printmaking techniques. Included works range from sixteenth century Italian drawings to contemporary Japanese prints, as well as a selection of recent acquisitions by important women artists. Opening reception: Thursday, September 19, 5–7:30 p.m.

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