3S Artspace

319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth, NH
(603) 766-3330
W–Sa 11–6, Su 12–5

Through June 2: Unfixed Concrete Ideal addresses the contradictions of concrete in both its formless fluidity and fixed rigidity. Curated by Ben Sloat, works by national and international artists and educators bring unique perspectives to this material, prompting us to consider concrete’s social, environmental, and aesthetical impacts. Opening June 7: Dish, featuring works by Laura Tanner, uses drawing and community engagement to explore how local foodways define a community’s identity and reflect contemporary challenges that community faces, like food insecurity and climate change. Free and open to the public.

Laura Tanner. Dish, 2023, ink and gouache on hand-cut Mylar, 96 x 120″. At 3S Artspace.