Art New England
Volume 42, Issue 1
34 The Clemmons Family Farm Revisited
By Cynthia Close
Connecting culture through art across generations
38 Creativity and Catharsis
By Rita A. Fucillo
Two artists share their path through 2020
10 Gallery FlashPoints
12 Studio Visit
Paul Bowen
By Christopher Volpe
14 Studio Visit
Sandy Sokoloff
By Cynthia Close
16 Poetry
By D. Eric Parkison
18 Exhibitions
Kimono Couture:
The Beauty of Chiso
By Shirley Moskow
20 Museums
Shining Light in the Darkness
By Robert Wolterstorff
22 Books
5 Art Books to Start the New Year
By Nicola Alexander
24 Exhibitions
Made in Connecticut
By Rachael Palacios
26 Zooming In
Exploring the Photobook
By Deb Hemley
54 Colors
Iron-Rich Ochre:
Heartbeat of the Earth
By Dian Parker
Reviews & Previews
46 She Sweeps with Many-Colored Brooms: Paintings and Prints by Emily Mason at
Bruce Museum by Susan Rand Brown
53 CMCA Biennial 2020 at Center for Maine Contemporary Art by Carl Little
47 Statues Also Die at Real Art Ways by Susan Rand Brown
49 A Vision Accomplished: Thomas Cornell at Linda G. and Donald N. Zillman Art
Museum by Carl Little
47 Makers and Mentors: The Art and Life of Snow Farm—The New England Craft School at
Fuller Craft Museum by B. Amore
48 Monet in Boston: Lasting Impression and Cezanne: In and Out of Time at Museum of
Fine Arts, Boston by Julianna Thibodeaux
49 Robert Frank: The Americans at Addison Gallery of American Art by Susan Boulanger
50 The Shop at AVA: A New Members Gallery at AVA Gallery and Art Center by Dian Parker
51 All at Once—A Providence College Studio Art Faculty Showcase at Providence College Galleries by Abbi Kenny
51 Still Point: Sky Scapes by Berta Burr at 571 Projects by Dian Parker
52 Winter White at Northern Daughters Annex Gallery by B. Amore
52 Rachel Portesi: Hair Portraits at Brattleboro Museum by Cynthia Close
In this Issue
28 Calendar
42 Guide to Summer Residencies & Workshops
44 Guide to Schools and Workshops
55 Exhibition Listings
63 Classifieds
64 Art Seen: In Tribute
On the cover: Sharif Muhammad, Black Liberty, 2020, digital painting. Courtesy of the artist. “With Liberty and Justice for All? What does liberty mean for descendants of the enslaved? If our ancestors were kidnapped and brought here, is this our home? Are we free now? Are our institutions just? If we pledge allegiance to this flag, have we embraced an illusion? This piece presents these dark questions, with a point of light for hope.” —SM (See page 30).
Art New England
Tim Montgomery
Associate Publisher
Rita A. Fucillo
Interim Editor
Rita A. Fucillo
Writers This Issue
Nicola Alexander, B. Amore, Susan Boulanger,
Susan Rand Brown, Cynthia Close, Rita A. Fucillo,
Deb Hemley, Abbi Kenny, Carl Little,
Jennifer Mancuso, Shirley Moskow,
Rachael Palacios, Dian Parker, D. Eric Parkison,
Julianna Thibodeaux, Christopher Volpe,
Robert Wolterstorff
Assistant to the Publisher
Nicola Alexander
Editorial Intern
Morgan Cusack
Art Director
Lori Pedrick
Assistant Art Director
Judith Fogge
Senior Account Executive
Susan Baker
Vice President, Operations
Tyler J. Montgomery
Corporate Counsel
Lenard B. Zide, Butters Brazilian LLP
Artistic Consultant
Meg Fofonoff
Mailing Address
760 Chief Justice Cushing Highway, Suite 2A
Cohasset, MA 02025
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to address above.
Subscription: $28.00 per year
Newsstand: $35.70 per year
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Editorial: (617) 259-1034
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Calendar E–mail: calendar@artnewengland.com
Editorial E–mail: editorial@artnewengland.com
Production E–mail: production@artnewengland.com
Founding Publishers
Carla Munsat and Stephanie Adelman