Brattleboro Museum & Art Center
10 Vernon Street
Brattleboro VT 05301
W–Su 10-4
Through February 9: Desire Lines featuring the artwork of Alex Callender, Nandini Chirimar, Tara Geer, Maggie Nowinski, Dana Piazza, James Siena; Susan Mikula: Island. Ongoing: Adrienne Elise Tarver: Roots, Water, Air; The Noise of Us, featuring the artwork of Felipe Baeza, Ori Gersht, Simonette Quamina, and Maika’i Tubbs, and Vanessa Compton: A Night at the Garden. Opening February 14: 2025 Vermont Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. February 15–23: Explore the wild, wonderful, Artful Ice Shanties outdoor exhibit in connection with Retreat Farm. Admission is pay-as-you-wish.