Fuller Craft Museum

455 Oak St., Brockton, MA
Tu–Su 10–5

Opening January 25: Everybody’s Bolos. Opening February 1: Cicely Carew: BeLOVEd Ongoing: Waste Not, Want Not: Craft in the Anthropocene. Ongoing: Maria Molteni: Soft Score. Ongoing: Beau McCall: Buttons On! Ongoing: Hand in Hand: Works from the Fleur S. Bresler Collection. Ongoing: Small Wonders: Beauty, Alchemy, and the Art of Enameling. Fuller Craft Museum’s wide-ranging exhibitions and outdoor sculpture showcase the finest contemporary craft in a spectacular organic modernist building and woodland setting. All are welcome, completely free of charge.

Jillian Moore, Mons Bola, 2023, epoxy and composite resin, paint, pigment, acrylic, brass, nylon, silicone rubber, 30 x 7 x 1″. At Fuller Craft Museum.