Norman Rockwell Museum

9 Glendale Rd./Rte. 183, Stockbridge, MA
(413) 298-4100
Open daily, except Wednesday, 10–5

Home of American Illustration. Opening March 1: All for Laughs: The Artists of the Famous Cartoonist Course. Through May 26: Anita Kunz: Original Sisters, Portraits of Tenacity & Courage. Ongoing: Illustrators of Light: Rockwell, Wyeth, and Parrish from the Edison Mazda Collection. Guided gallery tours; virtual exhibition and field trips. Museum Store (and online store). Save time with online tickets. More at

(L) Norman Rockwell, (1894–1978), And the Symbol of Welcome is Light, 1920, advertising illustration for Edison Mazda Lamps, oil on canvas. Collection of GE Aerospace. ® Anita Kunz, Anne Frank, part of the Original Sisters series, 2020, acrylic on board. Collection of the artist. ©Anita Kunz. All rights reserved. At Norman Rockwell Museum.